Medical insurance and service

Students from EU/EEA countries are entitled to medical services on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or its equivalent. The card should be obtained from students’ national health services before their departure for Poland.


For further information see (access to health care during a temporary stay in Poland).

Erasmus students are advised to consult doctors at the medical centre of the West Pomeranian University of Technology, ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 51 (general practitioners) and the interuniversity medical centre at al. Wojska Polskiego 97 (specialists).

Apart from EHIC it is advisable to carry also emergency travel insurance purchased before the arrival.


Students from non EU/EEA countries are advised to purchase health insurance in Poland immediately after their arrival (it is suggested that travel insurance should cover the travel and initial stay):


Zachodniopomorski Oddział Wojewódzki NFZ (West Pomeranian branch of the National Heath Fund)

ul. Arkońska 45 71-470 Szczecin,

tel. (+ 48) 91 425 10 00, fax (91) 425 11 88,
